We understand that the Connecticut state-wide health information exchange, known as Connie, recently sent an email to providers about Connie’s contract documents. The email, entitled “Connie Data Sharing Agreements Follow up,” points to specific language in the state statute and implies that there is a current legal obligation to sign Connie’s contract documents. There is, […]
Tag Archives: Connie
It’s been quite the year! Last year’s blog post on Connie was subject to five revisions between December and April, reflecting the challenges of gathering accurate information about Connecticut’s Health Information Exchange and its operation. Fortunately, there are some promising updates to share. Early 2023 The start of 2023 was marked by confusion and frustration […]
(Revised 1/6/2023; 1/23/2023; 2/11/2023; 3/27/2023; 4/20/2023 – The CT HIE, known as Connie, is new and many aspects of its operations are still in flux. Further, the information I provide is only as good as the information I receive. As I gather new information that contradicts or clarifies old information, I will update this article.) […]