We understand that the Connecticut state-wide health information exchange, known as Connie, recently sent an email to providers about Connie’s contract documents. The email, entitled “Connie Data Sharing Agreements Follow up,” points to specific language in the state statute and implies that there is a current legal obligation to sign Connie’s contract documents. There is, however, no obligation to sign any contract at this time.
Unfortunately, Connie did not point to the 2024 change to the law, which grants providers 18 months to complete onboarding with Connie after the Office of Health Strategies (OHS) implements policies and procedures. Onboarding includes signing contract documents. OHS has not yet implemented any policies and procedures. As a result, the 18-month clock has not started ticking and there currently is NO obligation to sign contract documents with Connie.
DMC Law will continue to keep providers posted on developments. See these earlier articles for more information about Connie: